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In Archer Heights

Root Canals

About the Service

Root canals can sound daunting, but understanding the process and knowing what to expect can ease your mind. At Archer Dental, located in Archer Heights, we focus on making every dental procedure as comfortable as possible. With Spanish-speaking staff available, we proudly serve the entire Chicago area. Here’s everything you need to know about root canals.

How Do I Know I Need a Root Canal?

At Archer Dental, we understand that the idea of a root canal might make you feel uneasy, but we're here to help you through every step with care and comfort. Our experienced team, including a skilled endodontist, is ready to provide the best care possible to save your natural tooth and relieve your pain.

What is a Root Canal, and How Do I Know If I Need One?

A root canal is a procedure that helps save a tooth that’s in trouble due to infection or damage. When the inside of your tooth, called the pulp, gets infected or inflamed—maybe from deep decay, a cracked tooth, or multiple dental procedures—it’s time for a root canal to step in.

Not sure if you need one? Look out for signs like a persistent toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold, a tooth that’s changed color, or swollen gums near the problem tooth. If any of these sound familiar, it’s time to give us a call or visit your dentist.

Do Root Canals Hurt?

We totally get it—when people hear "root canal," they often think of pain. But at Archer Dental, your comfort is our top priority. Thanks to advanced techniques and effective anesthesia, most of our patients are pleasantly surprised by how smooth the process is. Many even say that it was much easier than they expected.

We go beyond just getting you through the procedure; we make sure you’re comfortable from start to finish. After your root canal, we’ll provide you with a personalized plan to manage any post-treatment discomfort, including clear instructions and recommendations for pain relief. Our goal is to not only relieve the pain you’re experiencing now but also ensure you stay comfortable as you heal.

Are There Alternatives to a Root Canal?

While root canals are often necessary to save an infected tooth, there are situations where alternatives might be considered. The most common alternative is tooth extraction, which involves removing the affected tooth entirely. This option, however, is generally considered a last resort because it can lead to other dental issues, such as shifting teeth and bone loss. At Archer Dental we always try to save the tooth, before considering a tooth extraction. In some cases, less invasive treatments like pulp capping might be an option if the tooth pulp is not severely damaged. It’s important to discuss all available options with your dentist to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

We believe in being upfront about costs because we know dental care is an important investment. Unfortunately, each root canal is unique and that means the prices vary depending on the complexity and specific needs of your situation. We can provide a quote once we’ve reviewed your specific case where we’ll walk you through everything, so there are no surprises. We offer various payment options to make it easier for you, as well, so you don’t have to worry about prioritizing your oral health! 

We can not determine the cost of the root canal before initial consultation. Root canal costs can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and additional treatments such as crowns or follow-up visits. If you think you might need a root canal treatment, it's a good idea to schedule a consultation with us first for specific pricing and payment options.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's Some Common Questions We Get

What is a root canal?
Does a root canal hurt?
How long does the procedure take?
What are the signs that I need a root canal?
What can I expect after the procedure?
How successful are root canals?

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What Do I Do If I Had a Root Canal and It’s Hurting Again?

If you're experiencing pain after a root canal, it could be a sign that the initial treatment didn’t fully resolve the issue. This can happen for various reasons, and it’s not uncommon, especially if the root canal was done some time ago or at another practice that doesn’t specialize in root canals. At Archer Dental, we specialize in diagnosing and treating failed root canals.

Our experienced endodontist can assess the situation and either retreat the tooth or advise you on the best alternative options to relieve your pain and protect your dental health. If you’re dealing with a failed root canal, don’t hesitate to reach out to us—we’re here to help you get back on track.

Will I need a crown after a root canal?

Often, a crown is recommended after a root canal to protect the tooth and restore its function. This is especially true for back teeth, which are used for chewing.

How can I prevent needing a root canal in the future?

Maintaining good oral hygiene, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, can help prevent the need for future root canals. Avoiding sugary foods and drinks and wearing a mouthguard during sports can also reduce the risk of tooth damage and decay.

A Note to Our Fellow Dentists: Let’s Work Together

At Archer Dental, we believe in the power of collaboration. If you have a patient who needs specialized endodontic care, like a challenging root canal, we’re here to support you. Our endodontist is skilled in handling complex cases, ensuring that your referred patients receive top-notch care.

We value the trust you place in us when you refer a patient, and we’ll work closely with you to provide the best possible outcomes. Let’s team up to offer the highest standard of care—because we know your patients are your top priority, and they deserve the very best.