Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)
About the Service
Experience dental care with comfort and ease through laughing gas, a safe and approachable way to deal with dental anxiety. Whether you experience dental anxiety or require extensive procedures, our skilled team is here to ensure you get the care you need, with minimal stress.
Managing Dental Anxiety During Procedures

A visit to the dentist may not be the highlight of your day. Especially if you're facing a complex procedure, it can be daunting. It's no surprise that about 75% of adults in the US experience some level of fear regarding dental visits. Dental appointments can be nerve-wracking, particularly if you have dental phobia. In such cases, we recommend using Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide).
Use of laughing gas helps thousands of dental patients every year. If you can relate to any of the following scenarios, laughing gas might be an excellent solution for your dental anxiety:
Signs of Dental Anxiety
Signs of dental anxiety can vary from mild uneasiness to severe fear or panic. Some common signs include:
- Avoidance of dental appointments: Individuals with dental anxiety may avoid scheduling or attending dental appointments altogether due to fear of the dentist or dental procedures.
- Physical symptoms: These can include sweating, trembling, increased heart rate, nausea, or feeling faint or dizzy while at the dental office.
- Difficulty sleeping before dental appointments: Many people with dental anxiety experience sleep disturbances or insomnia the night before a dental visit due to worry or fear.
- Feeling tense or on edge: Individuals may feel tense, nervous, or on edge in the days leading up to a dental appointment, even if it's for a routine check-up.
- Panic attacks: Some individuals may experience panic attacks characterized by intense fear, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, or a sense of impending doom while at the dental office.
- Overreacting to dental stimuli: Even minor dental procedures or routine cleanings may trigger an exaggerated response in individuals with dental anxiety, such as flinching, crying, or feeling extreme discomfort.
- Difficulty communicating with the dentist: People with dental anxiety may find it challenging to communicate their concerns or ask questions during dental appointments due to feelings of fear or embarrassment.
- Negative past experiences: Previous traumatic or painful experiences at the dentist can contribute to dental anxiety and may cause individuals to avoid future dental visits.
- Physical symptoms of anxiety after the appointment: Some individuals may experience lingering physical symptoms of anxiety, such as tension headaches or muscle soreness, after visiting the dentist.
- Procrastination with dental care: Individuals with dental anxiety may delay seeking dental treatment, even for serious dental issues, due to fear or avoidance.
Nitrous Oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is the most frequently used method used to help with dental anxiety. It's a colorless, odorless gas with a slightly sweet taste. When administered, patients experience warm, positive sensations and muscle and mental relaxation. Many find nitrous oxide to be a reliable and safe solution for overcoming dental anxiety. The relaxation effects begin within minutes and wear off shortly after the mask is removed.
What does Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas feel like?
Nitrous oxide is a gas that has no odor or color and has a slightly sweet taste.
With the laughing gas the patient experiences warm, positive sensations that encourages your muscles and mind to relax.
The relaxation effect starts within minutes, and the effect wears off within minutes after the mask is removed, making it an accessible and easy way to manage your dental anxiety.
Here's Some Common Questions We Get
Nitrous oxide is a type of gas, that consists of a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. It is commonly used in dentistry to help patients relax and ease their dental anxiety. Nitrous oxide (or commonly knows as laughing gas) is inhaled through a special mask that is placed over the patient’s nose during a dental procedure.
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Potential Side Effects of Nitrous Oxide
In general, nitrous oxide is safe for most people and rarely causes severe side effects. However, some individuals may experience:
- Nausea
- Mental confusion
- Grogginess
- Numbness or pain sensations in the legs
- Headache
- Excessive sweating
- Shivering
It's important to note that these side effects are rare. Most often, nitrous oxide provides a positive experience, helping individuals get through their dental treatments with minimal stress. If you're anxious about dental procedures, discuss the idea of using laughing gas with Dr. Anton. We prioritize not just your health but your happiness as well, we want to ensure that you get the treatment you need in a way that minimizes pain and anxiety wherever possible.
What happens when I take use Laughing Gas?
Before your dental appointment where you’ll be using laughing gas, it’s a good idea to eat a nice meal about three hours beforehand. This way, your stomach isn't empty, but you've also had a bit of time to digest before you arrive. Once you're here, you’ll breathe in the laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, through a mask. It’s a simple process that helps you feel calm and a bit sleepy, yet you'll still be awake and aware of your surroundings. You might even notice a warm, relaxing sensation or a bit of tingling in your hands and feet.
Our friendly dental assistant will keep an eye on the gas levels to make sure you’re feeling just right and can easily follow any instructions from your dentist. Don’t worry, laughing gas doesn’t replace local anesthetics, so we’ll make sure you’re completely comfortable and numb where you need to be. After the procedure, you’ll breathe pure oxygen for a few minutes to help clear any remaining gas, helping you feel alert again. Once you’re all set, and our team gives the green light, you’ll be able to drive yourself home. No worries, we’ve got you covered every step of the way!
Safety Information About Nitrous Oxide
Is Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas safe for children?

Yes, nitrous oxide or laughing gas is used on children with dental anxiety and is considered to be safe.
Currently it is considered a preferred method of relaxation for children who experience anxiety or fear of dentists.
At Archer Dental we have a team of very kind and gentle professionals, and we will do everything needed to make you child comfortable.
If your child has any concerns about the mask and insists on not wanting to wear it, then we may need to look into alternatives to Laughing Gas.
When Nitrous Oxide should not be used
While nitrous oxide is a safe, easy and effective sedation method, it may not be the right option for everyone. Patients may not receive nitrous oxide if they:
- Have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Suffer from methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency.
- Have cobalamin deficiency.
- Possess a history of drug addiction or emotional issues.
- Are in the first trimester of pregnancy.
- Are receiving a treatment in which bleomycin sulfate is used.
The Takeaway - Should You Use Laughing Gas?
Laughing gas is a common and effective anti-anxiety method for both adults and children, helping to ease dental anxiety. Side effects are typically mild and infrequent, if not rare. That being said, it's still crucial for patients to provide their complete medical history to their dentist before the procedure. Based on their health status, the dentist can determine the most appropriate method for anxiety care and maintenance.
If you are suffering from dental anxiety of any kind, know you have found a safe space in Archer Dental. Dr. Anton is here to help you get the dental treatments you need, while minimizing pain and discomfort as much as possible. In fact, that’s why we’ve invested in the most advanced dental technology on the market. It ensures we give you only the best treatments, with equipment that also minimizes the risk of pain.