braces adults

Braces For Adults; Orthodontic Treatment For Everyone

Phrases such as “Braces are only for kinds” and “ I’m too old for braces” are no longer true in our modern and fast-changing world. According to the American Association of Orthodontics 20% of the adult population exhibits deviation from the ideal bite. It means that 1 out of 5 adults can benefit from comprehensive orthodontic treatment.

Adult's guide to orthodontic treatment

At Archer Dental, we focus on comprehensive and holistic approach for dental treatment like braces for adults, and here is why.

New technology in dentistry allows the treatment to be more comfortable and less noticeable. Individuals of all ages can benefit from modern advancements in orthodontics. Many of the options that we offer at Archer Dental are designed to make the orthodontic appliance fit any lifestyle and be more esthetic like our braces for adults

How orthodontic treatment differs in teens vs adults?

The biggest difference in adults orthodontic treatment is that their jaws are no longer growing. As a result, orthodontic treatment may take slightly longer when you are older. 

While we are young, we benefit from plentiful stem cells that play a key role in regeneration and healing process. Stem cells have the ability to turn into the tissue that is damaged or undergoing regeneration. Another thing about getting older is that our problems accumulate throughout life. Oftentimes it is really hard, if not impossible, to fix the one issue without first solving the other issue with braces for adults

Braces for adults: real life examples

Here is a real example. Jorge, 30 years old comes to the office and states that he got elbowed and his front tooth got knocked out while playing basketball. Now Jorge needs an implant or a bridge to replace the front tooth. But here is the problem: since Jorge never had orthodontic treatment and his bite is less than ideal – the implant will in a way “freeze” his bite and orthodontic treatment won’t be feasible after restoring the front tooth.

So, if we carry these unsolved issues, new problems simply pile up on the top, making it difficult to unwind. And in dentistry, as you might know “difficult” translates into “costly”.

Another example is pathological tooth shortening due to an unbalanced bite. Usually teeth shortening is asymptomatic, until the front teeth become too short and look like little squares. Now, bringing the bite into the ideal relationship might require orthodontic treatment and putting crowns on multiple teeth.

The takeaway

Knowing how improper bite will affect oral health in the long term, more and more adults choose to get orthodontic treatment such as braces for adults  and Invisalign. Having braces for adults at any age has become socially acceptable.

Here is more information that supports these claims. Nowadays there are multiple “Do It Yourself” companies who offer straightening teeth services. These companies wouldn’t be able to survive without the demand of the adult population. While DIY, or as some dentists call them “ You Did It To Yourself “ have a questionable  future, there is no question that orthodontic treatment has no age limitation.

When it comes to orthodontic treatment – we should be proactive. Letting go of occlusion problem will only make it worse in the future. Get started with your treatment, call now!

Benefits of braces for adults:

In recent years, the use of braces for adults has gained significant traction, as individuals of all ages seek to achieve healthier smiles and enhanced confidence. The application of orthodontic treatment is no longer confined to adolescence. Instead, it has become a viable and beneficial option for adults who wish to address dental misalignments and achieve optimal oral health. This comprehensive guide explores the remarkable benefits of choosing braces for adults.

Choosing braces for adults offers an array of transformative benefits, from enhanced aesthetics and confidence to improved oral health and bite functionality. With customized treatment plans, advanced technology, and age-appropriate care, adults can achieve the smile they desire while investing in their long-term dental well-being. Experience the remarkable advantages of braces for adults and embrace the journey towards a healthier, more confident you.

Request your appointment

    Another thing about getting older is that our problems accumulate throughout life.

    Contact us

    Please know that you can always contact our dental team by calling 773-581-1345, making an appointment through the contact form, or stopping by the Archer Dental Chicago office at 5200 S Archer Ave, Ste #3,  Chicago, IL 60632.

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      Friday 09:00 AM - 4:30 PM
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